On Friday, India’s capital markets watchdog, Sebi, introduced a new plan to protect investors and make the stock market more trustworthy. This updated plan promises to keep investor information private and gives people the right to withdraw their money fairly from any stock market product or service.
Sebi also improved the way it handles complaints. With the new version of SCORES (Sebi Complaints Redress System) called SCORES 2.0, complaints go directly to the companies involved first, and if needed, Sebi will step in to help resolve any issues. They also launched a SMART ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) portal, which allows people to solve their market-related problems online, making it easier and quicker.
The goal of this new plan is to help investors understand the risks of their investments while making sure they are treated fairly. Sebi urges everyone to work only with approved market companies and to keep their contact and KYC (Know Your Customer) information updated. Investors should also speak up about their problems within certain time limits.
The updated plan includes helpful tips for investors, like keeping records of transactions, knowing about risks and fees, and understanding how to file complaints. Sebi warns against risky practices like making cash payments above set limits and sharing sensitive account information. This move aims to make investing easier with new digital solutions.