Category: Education

  • O.P. Jindal Global University Tops Times Higher Education Online Rankings!

    O.P. Jindal Global University Tops Times Higher Education Online Rankings!

    O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) has achieved an amazing honor by being placed in the gold category of the Times Higher Education Online Learning Rankings 2024. This means JGU is recognized as one of the best in the world for online learning. Among all the universities that received the gold ranking, JGU scored the highest in outcomes!

    The Times Higher Education (THE) Online Learning Rankings is the first global effort to check how well online learning works at universities. It looks at four important areas: resources, engagement, outcomes, and environment.

    Naveen Jindal, the Founding Chancellor of JGU, expressed delight over this achievement. He said, “In just 15 years, JGU has become well-known internationally and has set high standards in education not just in India, but around the world. This recognition shows our commitment to building a great institution to contribute to India’s future.”

    Professor (Dr) C Raj Kumar, the Founding Vice Chancellor, added, “For the first time ever, an Indian university is ranked No. 1 in the world. This is a big deal not just for our university but also for India as we step into the global spotlight.”

    Professor Padmanabha Ramanujam, the Dean of Academic Governance, stressed that JGU’s success in online learning would not have been possible without their excellent teachers and strong partnerships with top institutions worldwide. He noted, “JGU has grown to be a university with global reach in just 15 years.”

    Also Read: MRIIRS earns gold category distinction in Times Higher Education’s Online Learning Rankings 2024.

  • Bihar BPSC Exam Sparks Protests Over Alleged Question Leak!

    Bihar BPSC Exam Sparks Protests Over Alleged Question Leak!

    Today, the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) held its 70th combined competitive exam from 12 PM to 2 PM. Many students on social media claimed that some exam questions were leaked, and there were protests at the Bapu Exam Centre in Patna. BPSC chairman Ravi Manu Bhai S Parmar dismissed these claims as a trick, saying, “We haven’t received any complaints about the exam anywhere.”

    At the Bapu centre, students said that the question papers and answer sheets were given to people outside, ruining the fair process of the exam. They also mentioned that there were problems with how the exam was managed and that the papers were given out late. In some places, students even reported that some candidates ran away with the test papers. “The fairness of the exam is very important. If we lose that, what do we have left?” worried students said.

    As the situation in Patna got tense, district magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh came to help but ended up getting frustrated and slapped a student. He explained that one exam room was set up for 288 students, but only had 188 questions in the box. They had to get more questions from another room, which took time, and the students complained. Some even left with the exam papers, and police plan to file reports against them.

    However, Parmar said he hadn’t received any complaints from the 912 exam centres across the state. He noted that even an hour after the exam, everything seemed fine. “The exam process went smoothly, and the students can’t use their phones during the exam, so they don’t know what is happening outside. It’s all just mischief in the age of social media,” he said.

    He added that once the exam started, students only had their papers, with no electronic devices allowed. BPSC has been watching everything closely to ensure everything is alright and stated that if someone tried a trick, it didn’t affect the whole process. “The exams went well,” he concluded.

  • CTET Admit Card 2024: Download Details and Exam Info

    CTET Admit Card 2024: Download Details and Exam Info

    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will soon release the CTET Admit Card 2024 on its official website,

    What is CTET?
    The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is an important exam for anyone who wants to become a teacher in India. The Ministry of Education gives CBSE the responsibility to conduct this test.

    Exam Details:
    – Dates: The CTET exam will take place on December 14, 2024. If many students register in a city, the exam may also be held on December 15, 2024.
    – Paper Details: There are two papers in the CTET:
    – Paper I is for teaching grades I to V.
    – Paper II is for grades VI to VIII.
    – Shift Timing:
    – Paper II will be from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
    – Paper I will be from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
    – Language: The question papers will be in both Hindi and English.

    How to Download the CTET Admit Card:
    1. Go to the official CBSE CTET website at
    2. Look for the CTET Admit Card 2024 link on the home page and click it.
    3. A new page will open. Enter your login details.
    4. Click submit, and you will see your admit card.
    5. Check the details and download it. Make sure to print a copy for future reference.

    For any updates, feel free to check the official website.

  • NLSIU Unveils Exciting New BA Course Starting July 2025!

    NLSIU Unveils Exciting New BA Course Starting July 2025!

    The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) in Bengaluru is starting a brand new three-year BA course with an option to continue for a fourth year. The first group of students will join in July 2025.

    NLSIU has been known for its unique five-year BA LLB program that changed legal studies in India. Now, officials promise this new program will be fresh and relevant for students in 2025. The Vice Chancellor, Sudhir Krishnaswamy, shared that the BA degree will be all students need to succeed.

    This BA program is not just about books; it combines learning about social sciences and humanities with skills for jobs. The University has been working on this new course since August 2023 and listened to many experts to create a strong curriculum.

    To join the program, students must have finished their high school education with at least 55% marks for general candidates and 45% for SC/ST students. Those still in school can apply if they meet these requirements by the end of their studies.

    An exciting part of the curriculum is learning Indian languages! Students will also participate in practical courses on modern fields like Artificial Intelligence, filmmaking, business consulting, digital journalism, and policy-making. Plus, they will complete at least one month-long internship each year.

    Students who perform well can continue to a fourth year, where they’ll complete a big research project. Those who finish four years will earn a BA degree.

    NLSIU plans to accept just 60 students for the academic year 2025-26, and choosing students will happen through a written test called NLSAT-BA. Registration began recently, and applications will open in January, with the test set for April 27, 2025. Classes will start on July 1, 2025.

  • Download Your MAT PBT 2024 Admit Card Today!

    Download Your MAT PBT 2024 Admit Card Today!

    The All India Management Association (AIMA) has just released the admit cards for the Management Aptitude Test – Paper Based Test (MAT-PBT) 2024. If you signed up for the test, you can go to the official website at to download your admit card.

    What is MAT?
    The Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a big test in India that helps business schools (B-Schools) choose students for MBA and other related programmes.

    Important Dates
    – The MAT-PBT 2024 will take place on December 14, 2024.
    – You can expect the MAT December 2024 scores to be out around the 1st week of January 2025.

    Your Admit Card Will Show:
    – Your Name
    – Form Number
    – Roll Number
    – Test Date
    – Test Time
    – Test Venue Address

    Make sure to follow the date and time shown on your admit card carefully!

    Steps to Download Your Admit Card:
    1. Go to the official website:
    2. Log in using your credentials.
    3. After logging in, you’ll see your admit card.
    4. Check the details on your admit card.
    5. Save the page and print it for your records.

    For more details, visit the official website.

  • IIT Madras Unveils World’s Largest Fetal Brain Image Dataset!

    IIT Madras Unveils World’s Largest Fetal Brain Image Dataset!

    The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has just released amazing 3D pictures of the fetal brain! This project is led by a professor named Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam at the Sudha Gopalakrishnan Brain Centre. The dataset, called ‘DHARANI,’ is open for all researchers around the world to use.

    They took 5,132 brain sections using advanced Brain Mapping Technology created in the Sudha Gopalakrishnan Brain Centre. This research is set to boost the field of Neuroscience and may help in treating brain-related health issues.

    Researchers from different countries, including India, Australia, and the U.S., worked together on this project. They collaborated with medical organizations like Mediscan Systems and Saveetha Medical College Hospital based in Chennai.

    “DHARANI” has now become the largest digital collection of human fetal brain images that is available to everyone. It was made with much less money than the famous Allen Brain Atlas, and it used unique technology developed in India during the COVID pandemic from 2020 to 2022.

    Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel, the editor of a neuroscience journal, mentioned that India is now on the same level as the U.S. in mapping the human brain.

    This project was supported by organizations like the government of India, Infosys co-founder Kris Gopalakrishnan, and healthcare companies. NVIDIA also helped process the huge amount of data.

    Prof. Ajay Kumar Sood, the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, expressed his happiness that India is leading the way in creating human fetal brain maps for the first time.

    The high-resolution images are essential for improving fetal imaging techniques. This means we can diagnose and treat developmental disorders earlier.

    Kris Gopalakrishnan stated that this achievement proves Indian research can make significant scientific and technological advancements. He hopes this will inspire more collaborative research projects in India.

    This study is expected to lead to exciting new discoveries, help understand neurodevelopmental disorders, and improve fetal medicine. With this dataset, knowledge about the fetal brain has increased by 20 times!

  • SSC Junior Engineer 2024: Final Vacancies and Important Updates

    SSC Junior Engineer 2024: Final Vacancies and Important Updates

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the final list of job openings for the SSC Junior Engineer (JE) 2024 exam. You can find all the details on the official SSC website at

    This year, there are a total of 1,701 job vacancies available! Here’s how they break down:
    – 322 positions for Scheduled Castes (SC)
    – 165 for Scheduled Tribes (ST)
    – 480 for Other Backward Classes (OBC)
    – 171 for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)
    – 563 for the Unreserved category

    If you took the Paper-II exam, it’s time to choose your job preferences! You can fill out the option-cum-preference form until December 13, 2024. Make sure you log in using your account on the SSC website, where you’ll find the form under the “My Application” tab.

    Remember, if you don’t submit your preferences by this date, you won’t get another chance! You’ll also miss out on being part of the final selection list.

    The Paper 2 exam took place on November 6, 2024. Right now, we’re waiting for the provisional answer key and the results. Keep in mind that there’s a negative marking system: you lose 1 mark for each wrong answer. This exam lasted 2 hours and had 100 questions, totaling 300 marks. You could choose from three parts: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering.

    Stay tuned for more updates, and make sure you don’t miss out on your chance!

  • Berhampur University UG & PG Results Available: Check Yours Today!

    Berhampur University UG & PG Results Available: Check Yours Today!

    Berhampur University has announced the results for its undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses! If you want to see how you did, follow these simple steps:

    1. Go to the Official Website: Visit
    2. Find the Results Link: Look for the link that says “Check Your Results” and click on it.
    3. Enter Your Details: A new page will pop up. Here, you’ll need to type in your roll number and select whether you’re checking UG or PG results.
    4. View Your Results: Once you fill in your information, click submit. Your results will appear on the screen!
    5. Save Your Results: Make sure to check everything is correct. Save the page and print it out for your records.

    For more information, check the university’s official website. Good luck!

  • CLAT 2025 Counseling Schedule: Register Now for Your Future!

    CLAT 2025 Counseling Schedule: Register Now for Your Future!

    Good news for students! The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) has shared the counselling schedule for CLAT 2025. If you passed the Common Law Admission Test, you can check your admission dates by visiting their official website at

    Here’s what you need to know:

    – Registration Dates: The registration began on December 9, 2024, and will end on December 20, 2024.
    – First Allotment List: The first list showing which students got seats will be available on December 26, 2024, at 10 AM.
    – Payment Dates: You can pay your fees from December 26, 2024, to January 4, 2025, if you want to keep your seat (Freeze) or take a chance for another (Float).

    To get ready for counselling, go to the CLAT website and log in to your account. Check every round to see if you have been invited for counselling. Remember, the Consortium is not responsible for any missed emails or text messages.

    How to Register for CLAT 2025 Counselling:
    1. Go to
    2. Click the login link and enter your details.
    3. Sign up for counselling.
    4. Fill out the application form and pay the registration fee.
    5. Click submit and download your confirmation page. Keep a printed copy safe.

    Registration Fees:
    – General Category: ₹30,000
    – ST/SC/OBC/BC/EWS/PWD Categories: ₹20,000

    All payments can only be made online after logging in. Only candidates who complete the registration will be considered for getting a seat. For more details, check the official CLAT website.

  • Scientists Create Clean Fuel from Waste Gases Using Special Bacteria

    Scientists Create Clean Fuel from Waste Gases Using Special Bacteria

    Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) have created an exciting new way to turn harmful gases like methane and carbon dioxide into cleaner biofuels using special bacteria. This work, led by Prof. Debasish Das and Dr. Krishna Kalyani Sahoo, was published in a scientific journal called Fuel.

    Why Is This Important?
    Methane is a type of greenhouse gas that traps heat and is 27 to 30 times more harmful to our planet than carbon dioxide. Finding cleaner ways to use these gases can help reduce pollution and create renewable energy. Most current methods to change methane and carbon dioxide into usable fuel are expensive and energy-hungry, plus they can produce harmful leftovers.

    What Did the Researchers Do?
    The team found a biological method using a special type of bacteria called Methylosinus trichosporium. This bacteria can take in methane and carbon dioxide and turn them into a fuel called bio-methanol at lower temperatures and pressures, making the process more efficient.

    How Does It Work?
    1. The bacteria capture methane to create their own biomass (a kind of living material).
    2. They then use this biomass to change carbon dioxide into methanol.

    By improving the process with smart engineering, the researchers were able to get more methanol from less gas.

    “This study is groundbreaking! It shows how we can create bio-methanol from waste gases instead of using crops to make fuel. This means we won’t compete with food production and helps reduce pollution,” said Prof. Debasish Das.

    This research helps solve two big problems: the bad effects of greenhouse gases on our environment and the dwindling supply of fossil fuels.