Today, the temperature in Haryana is 16.98 °C. It’s going to be a nice day with a low of 9.79 °C and a high of 22.02 °C. The air feels a bit dry with a relative humidity of 30%. Winds are blowing at a speed of 30 km/h. The sun came up at 7:20 AM and will set at 5:44 PM.
Tomorrow, on January 9, 2025, expect temperatures to range from 11.48 °C to 22.58 °C, with humidity dropping to 20%.
Enjoy the clear skies today! Remember to wear sunscreen and sunglasses if you plan to be outside. Take care because the Air Quality Index (AQI) is 181.0, which means the air is moderately clean. It’s best for kids and people with breathing problems, like asthma, to limit their time outside.
Stay safe and enjoy your day!
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