The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been talking with Israel and the U.S. about helping to run Gaza after the war. This would happen until a new Palestinian Authority (PA) can take charge.
These secret talks, first reported by Reuters, suggest that the UAE and other countries might temporarily manage Gaza’s safety, governance, and rebuilding effort after Israel pulls out its troops.
The UAE is an ally of the U.S. and has ties with Israel, which gives it a unique position to influence the situation. However, there isn’t a detailed plan yet, just ideas being floated.
In these discussions, the UAE wants the PA to be stronger and better organized to lead Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem effectively. This is a tough request because Israel is against giving the PA control in its current state. A UAE official stated that they won’t support any plan that doesn’t focus on improving the PA.
The PA has been in charge of parts of the West Bank and Gaza for about 30 years but was forced out of Gaza by Hamas in 2007. The U.S. State Department has confirmed that they are in talks about how to manage Gaza post-war, but no specific details are available.
Additionally, the UAE suggested possibly using private military contractors to help oversee security in Gaza. However, this idea might worry many Western countries, as these contractors have faced criticism for their actions in past conflicts.
Rebuilding Gaza is expected to be a long and costly process, likely requiring about tens of billions of dollars. The UAE has criticized Israel’s military actions while still wanting to be involved in rebuilding efforts. Both the UAE and Israel oppose Hamas, which recently attacked Israel.
Any plans for a multinational mission in Gaza could only happen if invited by the Palestinian Authority, according to the UAE. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has expressed that he doesn’t support the current PA leading Gaza due to its history and issues, including corruption.
The UAE has suggested a new leader for the PA, someone like Salam Fayyad, who has experience and credibility. The current Palestinian Prime Minister is trying to reform the PA, which has faced financial problems for years.
Overall, the situation is complicated, and various nations are working hard to figure out a stable plan for Gaza’s future.
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