In Gujarat’s Botad district, a man took his own life, leaving a video behind where he said his wife was to blame for his death. The 39-year-old man was found hanging in his home on December 30. His family discovered a video on his phone where he asked them to teach his wife a lesson.
The man’s father reported to the police that his daughter-in-law often picked fights with him and left to stay with her parents. After trying to bring his wife back home, he recorded the video and then sadly decided to end his life.
The police have filed a case against the man’s wife under the law that addresses causing another person to commit suicide. They are investigating the situation further.
This case is similar to another recent incident in Delhi, where a 40-year-old man also recorded a video before dying by suicide, blaming his wife and her family for torturing him. Another case involved a 34-year-old tech worker from Bengaluru, who left a 40-page note claiming that his wife and her family were harassing him and demanding money. The police are looking into these troubling situations to understand what happened.
If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out for help. In India, you can contact the Sumaitri helpline at 011-23389090 or Sneha Foundation at 044-24640050 for support
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