Office Fanatic on Hinge: Red Flag or Just Passionate About Work?

A woman on LinkedIn shares her quirky chat with a Hinge match who loves office life. Is his daily office attendance a red flag or a green flag? Find out!

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A woman on LinkedIn shared a funny chat she had with a guy she met on Hinge, a dating app. In their chat, he said he goes to the office every day of the week, even though his job lets him work from home. She thought this was a “red flag,” which means a warning sign about something that could be bad in a relationship.

She joked, asking if he was always at work because he might have a crush there. When she asked for a job referral, he said no, which surprised her. She ended her post with a funny question: “Am I overthinking this, or does he just really love working?”

Many people commented on her post. Some agreed with her, saying she might be judging him too quickly. One person said that not everyone enjoys working from home and that some people feel better at the office. Another pointed out that if his office is only two minutes away, it’s normal to go there instead. Some even thought that his love for his job was a good thing, not a bad one.


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