“Press Act: Urgent Need to Protect Journalists in Changing Politics

Discover why it’s urgent for Congress to support the Press Act and protect journalists’ rights from government interference amid a shifting political landscape.

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In 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland made new rules to protect journalists. These rules say that the government shouldn’t go after journalists’ notes or communications with their sources unless there’s a serious situation, like preventing violence. But these rules can change with different leaders.

Now, President-elect Donald Trump is coming into power, and he has a history of being unfriendly to journalists. He wants Congress to stop these protections, saying they shouldn’t pass a bill called the Press Act, which would make these protections into law. This act has already passed the House of Representatives without any arguments and would stop the government from using tools like subpoenas to invade reporters’ privacy.

Some Republican senators support this bill, but Trump’s disapproval makes them think twice. In the past, both Democratic and Republican leaders have attacked reporters to find out their sources, which is dangerous for Free Speech. If reporters can’t keep their sources secret, people might be afraid to share information that helps the public.

Some critics believe this bill could cause more leaks that would hurt national security. But the reality is that recent government rules didn’t lead to more leaks. It is important now to stand up for journalists because they are vital for uncovering government misconduct. Leaders in the Senate, like Chuck Schumer, need to push to make the Press Act a reality before Congress ends this year.


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