The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has introduced new rules that help make things easier for people who invest in the stock market. Starting from November 28, these rules allow investors to choose someone they trust to manage their investments if they can’t do it themselves.
Here’s what you need to know:
– Easy Nominations: Now, investors can pick one person to take care of their stocks and money if they get sick or pass away. This makes sure that their investments are safe and can be passed on without trouble.
– Joint Ownership: If two or more people own shares together, they can also nominate someone who will receive the shares when they are all gone.
– No Worries for Depository Participants: The companies that keep track of these shares (called depositories) and brokers will not be held responsible if something goes wrong with the nominations.
These changes are all about making it easier for everyone to manage their investments and making sure that things go smoothly when unexpected events happen.
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