In Bangladesh, there has been an increase in attacks on Hindus. These attacks are mainly caused by different Muslim radical groups fighting to gain power and money. An intelligence report explains that these groups are competing with each other, which is creating tensions and conflicts.
One of the biggest Islamist parties in Bangladesh is Jamaat-e-Islami, which has a lot of influence and money. Harkat-ul-Jihad (HUJI-B) is another radical group that has been linked to terrorist activities and gets money from outside sources, including al-Qaeda.
Even though Hizb-ut-Tahrir was banned in 2009, it still operates secretly and takes part in radical actions. Ansar-al-Islam, which is part of al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, has also been involved in terrorist acts. A smaller group called Neo-JMB broke away from Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh and has been involved in violence too.
All these groups are vying for money, followers, and support. They especially want to recruit young, educated, and jobless people. The report mentions that under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s rule, funding for these groups decreased, but now they are trying to rebuild their power. They are seeking funds from places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Some of these groups want to carry out big, shocking attacks to gain respect and power. Because of this competition among radical groups, attacks on Hindus are increasing in Bangladesh. The struggles between these groups can also create splits within the Islamist movement, making it harder for them to reach their goals.
Rising Attacks on Hindus: Radical Groups Compete for Power in Bangladesh
There has been an increase in attacks on Hindus. These attacks are mainly caused by different Muslim radical groups fighting to gain power and money. An intelligence report explains that these groups are competing with each other, which is creating tensions and conflicts.

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