A 35-year-old woman named Kerri Absolom from Dorset had a very scary and painful experience when a vape battery exploded in her pocket. It happened one morning right before she was about to go to work. Kerri noticed smoke coming from her clothes and, when she checked, she saw sparks flying from the battery. Shocked, she realized she had a severe burn on her leg.
Kerri’s husband, Christopher, tried to help her pull her pants off as the situation got worse. Suddenly, the battery fell onto their dog’s bed and melted through it into the carpet below. They heard hissing sounds as the hot battery caused more problems. Christopher quickly called for an ambulance.
Firefighters arrived and took Kerri outside to cool her burning leg with water. They also removed the still-hot battery from the house to prevent a bigger fire.
Doctors later found out that the battery exploded because it touched Kerri’s keys, which acted like a conductor. She had to go to the hospital with third-degree burns and received strong pain medicine to help her through the pain. Kerri had to stay in the hospital for a week.
While healing, she had a skin graft to help her recover and reduce scarring. But the recovery was very painful, making it hard for Kerri to even shower. She also had allergic reactions to her medication and struggled to sleep because of her ongoing pain and fear.
This whole experience made it difficult for her mentally, leading to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She had to take time off work to heal and recover from both her physical and emotional injuries.
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