Master CBSE 10th Science Exams 2025: Key Tips and Common Mistakes

Get tips for scoring high in CBSE 10th Science Exam 2025! Discover common mistakes and effective study strategies to boost your marks.

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As a science teacher who studied at IIT Roorkee, I’ve noticed that how we study can change our results, especially in science. Many students make easy mistakes while answering questions. Here, I’ll share these common mistakes and some simple tips to help you do better in your exams.

Chapter-wise Weightage Overview

Let’s break down the science chapters based on their importance for the exam:

– Highest-Weightage Chapters:
– “Light” and “Metals and Non-Metals” – Focus on understanding key ideas and practicing problems here.
– “Life Process” (9 marks) and “Heredity and Evolution” (7 marks) are also important.

– Moderate-Weightage Chapters:
– Chapters like “Chemical Reactions and Equations”, “Carbon and its Compounds”, and “Electricity” are worth 6 marks each. Make sure to spend enough time studying these.

– Smaller-Weightage Chapters:
– “Acids, Bases and Salts”, “How Do Organisms Reproduce?”, and “The Human Eye and the Colourful World” also matter, so don’t ignore them; they can boost your score.

### Common Mistakes and Tips

1. Reading and Understanding Questions
– Always read the questions calmly. Take your time.

2. MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
– First, think of your answer before looking at the options. When you write, use the format: “Ans. 2. (a) 0.895 A.”

3. Writing Chemical Reactions
– Always show the physical states of chemicals and balance the reactions. If colors change, write them down.

4. Underlining Important Information
– Highlight keywords, but don’t underline entire sentences.

5. Diagrams and Labeling
– Draw clear diagrams using a pencil and label them properly.

6. Ray Diagrams in Physics
– Use a ruler for straight lines, and always label the object and image.

7. Solving Numerical Problems
– Write what you know, use the right formula, and show all your steps. Make sure to highlight your final answer and include units.

### Study Timeline for February
– Focus on high-weightage chapters and revise them daily. Solve a sample paper every day in 3 hours. In the last week, avoid learning new topics; just revise.

In conclusion, success in exams is about studying smart, not just hard. Avoid common mistakes and manage your time wisely.


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