FBI Uncovers 2,400 Hidden JFK Assassination Documents!

The FBI has discovered 2,400 secret JFK assassination documents, raising fresh conspiracy questions. Will these records finally be made public?

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The FBI has found about 2,400 secret papers about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the former president of the United States. These papers were never given to a special group that was supposed to review and share such documents. This discovery came after an order from former President Donald Trump to make many secret files about the assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. available to the public.

The FBI has stored these newly found papers in a total of 14,000 pages of documents. The White House learned about this new information last week from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is making plans to share these assassination documents as Trump requested.

This discovery is significant because, 61 years after JFK’s assassination in Dallas, it raises many questions about a highly examined event in American history. The newly released papers could either support or challenge many conspiracy theories that have grown from JFK’s death.

Jefferson Morley, an expert from the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which collects records about Kennedy’s assassination, said this shows the FBI is taking the situation seriously now. They seem ready to follow the president’s order rather than keep things secret.

As per the 1992 JFK Records Act, these files should have been reviewed and submitted to the National Archives. However, officials realized that the newly discovered papers were never given to the review board or the National Archives.

In 2017, President Trump delayed the release of these documents after advice from the CIA. Later, President Joe Biden allowed a limited release, which didn’t fully follow the JFK Records Act. Supporters of keeping these records secret say that releasing them could harm intelligence methods.

When he became president, Trump regretted not releasing JFK’s records during his first term. In January, he promised to release them, and he is now taking steps to fulfill that promise. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who Trump appointed as secretary of Health and Human Services, has long called for a full disclosure of these records, believing that JFK’s and his father RFK’s assassinations are linked to a bigger conspiracy.

Despite the president’s orders, some intelligence agencies still want to hide parts of these assassination records. A White House official said that if the president finds out about any delays in releasing the information, he will be very upset. One Trump advisor hinted that we might soon see all of these records published online.

This discovery is also important because of a current federal lawsuit against the Biden administration by the Mary Ferrell Foundation. The lawsuit claims that federal agencies have more documents related to the killings that they haven’t shared with the National Archives.


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