PM Modi’s Bihar Visit & Launch of Nalanda Book: Highlights!

“PM Modi to visit Bihar on Feb 24. Deputy CM Choudhary prepares welcome. Author Abhay K launches book about Nalanda’s influence on the world.”

bihar deputy cm samrat choudhary holds meeting with state ministers prepares for pm modis visit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Bihar on February 24, and Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary is busy preparing for his arrival. In a vital meeting with state ministers, Choudhary confirmed that members of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will join together to warmly welcome the Prime Minister.

On Saturday, Choudhary also launched a new book titled “Nalanda: How it Changed the World” at the fifth edition of the Grand Trunk Road Initiatives held in Patna. The author, Abhay K, expressed his happiness about launching the book in his hometown of Bihar, which is named after “Vihar,” due to its rich history of Buddhist monasteries.

Abhay K shared his excitement about the research he conducted while writing about Nalanda, an ancient center of learning and culture. He believes that the book will benefit many readers, showcasing how Nalanda has helped shape today’s world. Noted historian William Dalrymple praised the book, mentioning that Abhay has created a simple and engaging introduction to Nalanda, highlighting its great libraries, wise scholars, and important teachings.

With its fascinating history and global influence, Abhay K’s Nalanda is a book worth reading!


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