Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, says that China is doing really well in artificial intelligence (AI) because their education system is similar to the old Soviet model. This system encourages strong competition among students, unlike many Western schools, which often avoid competition to protect students’ feelings. Durov believes that if the U.S. doesn’t change its education system, it might lose its leadership in technology to China.
In a recent post on social media platform X, Durov shared his thoughts on a Chinese AI startup called DeepSeek, which has quickly caught up with American companies like OpenAI. He pointed out that Chinese students have long been strong in math and programming and that their schools are better at preparing students for these subjects.
Durov thinks that many Western schools discourage competition by not showing students’ grades publicly, which might seem kind but actually hurts the top students. He believes that facing the truth about competition is better for students. Durov stated that we need public grades and rankings to push students to reach their full potential. He warns that unless U.S. schools make big changes, China will keep getting stronger in technology.
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