As Donald Trump gets ready to be sworn in as President on Monday, January 20, Washington DC is preparing for one of the coldest inaugurations ever! The temperature is predicted to be much lower than usual for January, with a chance of snow the day before. On the day of the ceremony, high temperatures may only reach 20 degrees, and strong winds will make it feel even colder.
The National Weather Service has warned that the wind chill could make it feel like it’s in the single digits or low teens. In the morning, the temperature will be very low, likely in the teens, but it should warm up a bit by midday. Winds are expected to blow at 15 to 20 mph, with gusts even higher.
Meteorologist Brian LaSorsa said, “This will be a very cold day. We’re well below average, with our usual highs around 38 degrees for this time of year.”
To give you an idea of how cold it could get, the last time it was this chilly was at Ronald Reagan’s second inauguration in 1985, when it was only 7 degrees! That year, they had to hold the ceremony indoors because it was too cold outside. Other cold inaugurations include John F. Kennedy’s in 1961, which was 22 degrees.
For the many people expected to attend, the cold will definitely be a big part of the day. Experts advise dressing warmly and preparing for the harsh wind chill. But despite the freezing temperatures, the inauguration will still happen as planned, marking a historic moment for Donald Trump and the nation.
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