On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump signed a new order that changes how voting works in America. This order requires voters to prove they are U.S. citizens before they can vote. It also says that mail-in ballots, which are votes sent through the mail, must be received by Election Day to count. If states don’t follow these rules, they may lose federal funding.
Trump has often claimed that there was fraud in the 2020 election against him, even though many people say these claims are not true. Voting rights groups are worried that this order will make it harder for people, especially people of color, to vote because some may not have the IDs needed to prove their citizenship.
“We need to fix our elections,” Trump said while signing the order. Many organizations believe this order is unfair and will confuse voters.
The order will ask voters if they are citizens for the first time on the federal voting form. It also gives money for elections only to states that follow these new rules, like using a special voter registration form that requires proof of citizenship.
Currently, 18 states and some territories count mail-in ballots that were sent before Election Day even if they arrive late. Trump wants to change this.
Additionally, the order tells the Department of Homeland Security to help states find out if voters are truly citizens or not. The Republican National Committee has also asked 48 states for records to see how they manage their voter lists.
They want to ensure everyone who votes is eligible and that the voter lists are accurate.
Trump’s New Voting Rules: What They Mean for You
Trump signs an executive order requiring proof of citizenship for voters and changing mail-in ballot rules, raising concerns about voting access and fairness.

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