Delhi Police Steps Up Security for Holi and Ramzan Celebrations

Delhi Police enhance security for Holi and Ramzan this year, deploying over 25,000 personnel and implementing safety measures for peaceful celebrations across the city.

new delhi muslims offer namaz on the first friday of the holy month of ramzan

As Holi approaches this year, it falls on the same day as Friday prayers for Ramzan, leading the Delhi Police to step up safety measures. Over 25,000 police officers, with the help of paramilitary forces, will be on duty across the city to keep everyone safe and ensure there are no problems.

Keeping an Eye on Sensitive Areas

Authorities have identified over 300 spots in Delhi that need special attention. A police officer explained, “We checked calls made to the police during Holi over the past two years and found out when most problems happen—between 12 PM and 8 PM. We will increase patrols during that time.” The police will use drones and CCTV cameras to monitor these areas closely. In the South district alone, there will be 1,500 officers on duty.

Working Together for Peaceful Celebrations

To make sure everyone gets along, the Delhi Police are meeting with community leaders, including imams and local groups. “We are talking with community groups in each district since Holi and Ramzan falls on the same day. Everyone is working together,” the officer said. These discussions will keep going until the celebration day to avoid confusion and keep things peaceful.

Increased Patrols and Traffic Control

Police will be more visible in mixed neighborhoods and areas with many homes. Patrols will increase around 1:30 PM when Ramzan prayers start. The traffic police are joining in too, setting up checkpoints at busy intersections to catch people who break traffic rules, like drunk driving and speeding.

“Teams will be watching carefully for anyone breaking the law during Holi celebrations,” an officer stated. They will use radar to measure how fast cars are going and will punish those who ride motorcycles recklessly.

Urging Safe Celebrations

Police are reminding everyone to celebrate safely and responsibly. “Drinking and driving can put lives at risk,” warned an officer. Mobile and motorcycle patrols will watch the city throughout the day, with drones also focusing on areas in Northeast Delhi, ensuring everything stays safe and secure.

With these strategies in place and support from the community, Delhi hopes everyone has a joyful and peaceful Holi and Ramzan.


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