In Mumbai, many stocks jumped by as much as 15% on Friday, even while some major stock market indexes had mixed results. The BSE Sensex dropped just a little by 7.51 points, ending at 74,332.58, while the NSE Nifty rose slightly, gaining 7.8 points to reach 22,552.5.
Among the stars of the day, several stocks saw impressive gains of over 15%. Here are some of the big winners:
– AVI Polymers Ltd.: +20.00%
– Bengal Tea & Fabrics: +19.99%
– KLK Electrical: +19.99%
– Hemo Organic: +19.97%
– Somi Conveyor: +19.79%
– Spenta International: +18.11%
– Futuristic Solutions: +16.48%
– Laxmi Dental: +16.43%
– Ashnisha Industries: +15.92%
– Capital Trust: +15.59%
Out of the 50 stocks in the Nifty50 index, 23 ended positively, but 27 did not. In other news, some stocks, like AVI Polymers, hit their highest price in 52 weeks today! However, some stocks like B C Power Controls and Lime Chemicals reached their lowest prices in 52 weeks.
It was a busy day in the markets, with plenty of action for investors to watch!
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