REET 2024 Exam Announced: Date, Do’s, and Don’ts for Candidates

Get ready for the REET 2024 exam on February 27-28, 2025! Find your exam timings, important do’s and don’ts, and guidelines in this easy-to-understand article!

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The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has set the dates for the REET 2024 exam! It will take place on February 27 and 28, 2025. The exam will be held in two time slots:

– First Shift: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
– Second Shift: 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM

On February 27, a lot of candidates will be taking the test—4,61,321 in the morning and 5,41,599 in the afternoon! There are 1,731 test centers across 41 districts in the state.

Important Instructions

To make sure you are fully prepared for the exam, follow these important do’s and don’ts:

1. Arrive at your exam center by 8:00 AM for the morning shift and by 1:00 PM for the afternoon shift on both days.
2. Bring your admit card to the exam center.
3. Carry an Aadhaar card or any photo ID for identification.
4. Take a blue or black ballpoint pen with you.
5. Once you are seated, carefully read the instructions on the question paper and OMR sheet.

1. Don’t bring mobile phones, calculators, Bluetooth devices, watches, bags, or any electronic items into the exam room.
2. Wear only simple clothes like a shirt, t-shirt, kurta, or similar, and shoes like sandals or chappals without thick soles.
3. Don’t bring any tobacco products, like cigarettes, to the center.
4. After finishing the exam, you cannot take the question paper with you.
5. If you arrive late, you will not be allowed to enter the exam center.

Be sure to check for any updates or instructions from the Rajasthan Board ahead of your test dates!


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