A Delhi court recently cleared seven women of charges that they danced inappropriately at a bar while wearing short clothes. The court said that wearing short clothes and dancing isn’t illegal.
Last year, in Paharganj, the women were accused of dancing in a way that bothered customers. However, the judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate Neetu Sharma, found that there was not enough evidence to support these claims. She said, “The prosecution has failed to prove that any crime happened or that the accused were involved in any crime.”
The judge made her decision on February 4, 2025. She explained that dancing in public, even in revealing clothes, is not a crime unless it bothers people. In this case, the police officer, Sub Inspector Dharmender, who reported the incident, did not mention anyone being annoyed by the dancing.
The court noted that the police seemed to make up a story that wasn’t supported by others’ experiences. They highlighted, “Even if we trust SI Dharmender’s claim, it does not prove that any crime was committed.”
The bar manager was also found innocent. The prosecution accused them of not putting up CCTV cameras as required but couldn’t prove any official notice about this rule existed. The court pointed out that the prosecution didn’t show any newspaper or details that said a notice had been published.
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