Man’s Wedding Proposal Rejected Due to Low CIBIL Score

A man’s wedding proposal was rejected in Maharashtra after his low CIBIL score raised concerns about his financial stability. A surprising turn of events

Marriage Maharashtra Cancle CIBIL Score Rejection 1738987017823 1738987018174

In Maharashtra, a man faced an unusual issue while trying to get married. Just when everything seemed perfect and both families agreed to the match, the bride’s uncle wanted to check the man’s CIBIL score before the wedding.

So, what is a CIBIL score? It’s a number that tells people how well someone manages their money. The score ranges from 300 to 900. A higher score means good financial habits, while a lower score shows that someone might struggle with money.

When the uncle checked the man’s score, he found that the score was low, which means the man had a poor credit history. This also showed that he had several loans from different banks, indicating he might have trouble managing his finances.

The bride’s uncle was worried. He believed that since the man had financial issues, he wouldn’t be able to take care of his niece after marriage. Concerned for his family, the uncle and the woman’s family decided to call off the wedding.


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