Google’s AI Decision: A Dangerous Shift Towards Military Use

Google has dropped its promise not to use AI in military weapons, raising concerns about safety. Learn how this change threatens global security and ethics.

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Google, once famous for saying “Don’t Be Evil,” has changed its motto to “Do the right thing,” and now it’s backing away from an important promise. In 2018, Google promised not to use its artificial intelligence (AI) technology for weapons or spying. But recently, they removed that promise from their rules. Demis Hassabis, the head of Google’s AI, said this change is just a part of progress and that AI is growing quickly, like phones did.

But this idea—that our ethical rules can change just because things are moving fast—is risky. Using AI in warfare could be dangerous. Imagine machines making quick decisions about fighting without waiting for human input, which could lead to chaos and more deaths. Even if we think automated fighting could be “clean,” mistakes by AI could still hurt innocent people.

Hassabis used to support banning autonomous weapons, signing a pledge against them in 2018. However, circumstances have changed, and now Google is under a lot of pressure to work with the military. In the past, employees protested against a big military project called Project Maven, which aimed to use AI to analyze drone footage. Thousands signed a petition saying, “Google should not be in the business of war.”

But now, more tech companies are getting involved in military contracts. Google struggles to maintain proper direction, having previously canceled an ethics board and firing some of its leading AI ethics experts. They’ve lost sight of their original goals, and so have other tech companies.

Now is the time for governments to step up and create strict rules for AI in the military. They should ensure a human is always involved in decisions about military AI, ban weapons that can make their own targeting choices without a human’s go-ahead, and have clear checks to see that these systems are safe.

One smart idea comes from a think tank that suggests treating military AI like nuclear power plants, making sure they are safe. Countries could also create a global group similar to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that monitors and enforces safety for military AI.

Google’s change of heart is a warning that even strong values can fade in a fast-moving market. Although self-regulation seems over, there’s still a chance to create rules to prevent dangerous AI uses—starting with automated warfare.


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