FM25 Canceled: Sports Interactive Shifts Focus to FM26 Release

Football Manager 2025 has been canceled by Sports Interactive due to delays and technical issues. Fans will now await FM26, set for release in November.

football manager 2025 cancelled after multiple delays developers now focused on fm26

In exciting news, the team behind Football Manager has decided to cancel the release of FM25 (the game expected in 2025) because of many delays and problems. Sports Interactive, which is part of Sega, announced that they are now focusing on FM26 instead, which will come out in November.

They apologized to fans who were really looking forward to the game because they understand this news will be disappointing. The launch of FM25 was already pushed back twice, and now it won’t happen at all.

The creators wanted FM25 to be the best game ever with the latest tech and cool graphics, but making that happen turned out to be really hard. They said, “Some parts of the game are good, but the overall experience isn’t where we want it to be.” They didn’t want to release the game in a bad state and fix things later.

Another reason for canceling the game is that releasing it too late wouldn’t make sense since fans wouldn’t want to buy a new game so close to the end of the football season.
This recent news comes after the team updated fans just before the March 2025 release date that was also postponed before. Sports Interactive had a tough time getting the whole game ready because of technical issues faced while using a new game engine, Unity.

Originally, the game’s release was expected in early November but was moved to late November. The studio apologized for taking time to share this cancellation news, saying they had to wait until February 6 because of rules they had to follow with their stakeholders.

Let’s hope FM26 is really awesome and meets everyone’s expectations!


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