CBSE Releases Class 10 & 12 Admit Cards: Get Yours Today

CBSE has released admit cards for Class 10 and 12 final exams. Learn how to download, important exam dates, and the items allowed in the exam hall

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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced that the admit cards (also called hall tickets) for the Class 10 and Class 12 final exams are now available. But, here’s the catch: only schools can download them from the Pariksha Sangam Portal. So if you’re a student, you’ll need to visit your school to collect your admit card.

Here’s how schools can download the admit cards:
1. Go to the official CBSE website at
2. Click on the Pariksha Sangam Portal.
3. Press ‘Continue’ when prompted.
4. Select ‘Schools (Ganga)’.
5. Find the tab for pre-exam activities.
6. Click on the link for admit cards and centre material for the 2025 main exam.
7. Enter the login details and download the admit cards.

Important dates for the exams are:
– Class 10 exams start on February 15 and end on March 18.
– Class 12 exams start on February 15 and end on April 4.
– All exams will be conducted in one shift starting at 10:30 AM.

More than 44 lakh students from 8,000 schools in India and abroad will take these board exams.

CBSE has also shared important rules for the exams, including what students can and cannot bring into the exam hall. Here’s a quick overview of the rules:

Allowed Items:
– Admit card and school ID (regular students).
– Admit card and a government-issued photo ID (private candidates).
– Stationery: Transparent pouch, geometry box, blue/royal blue pen, scale, writing pad, eraser, analogue watch, and a transparent water bottle.
– Metro card, bus pass, and money.

Prohibited Items:
– No books, notes, calculators, or any electronic devices like mobile phones and smartwatches.
– No bags, wallets, or any eatable items unless you’re a diabetic student.
– Any other items that could be used for cheating are also banned.

Finally, regular students should wear their school uniform, while private students can dress in light, casual clothes.


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