Ross Ulbricht: From Silk Road Founder to Presidential Pardon

Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, was pardoned by Trump after serving a life sentence. Discover his story of freedom, cryptocurrency, and the battle for justice.

ross ulbricht the creator of the website silk road appears in an undated photograph

Ross Ulbricht is the man behind Silk Road, a secret online marketplace for buying and selling illegal things like drugs. He started this site in 2011, hoping to create a place where people could trade freely and privately using cryptocurrency, mainly Bitcoin. Silk Road ran on the Tor network, making users’ identities hidden.

Born on March 27, 1984, in Austin, Texas, Ross was a smart kid. He became an Eagle Scout and received a scholarship to study physics at college, graduating in 2006. During his studies, he became interested in libertarian ideas, which support personal freedom and limited government.

Things took a serious turn for Ross in 2013 when he was arrested by the FBI in a San Francisco library. By that time, Silk Road had sold over $200 million worth of illegal goods. Although the prosecutors said Ulbricht used a fake name “Dread Pirate Roberts” and even tried to have people killed to protect his site, there was no proof that anyone was actually harmed.

In February 2015, he was found guilty of several serious crimes, including drug distribution. A judge sentenced him to life in prison without parole, saying his actions were unprecedented and had consequences. Ulbricht admitted he started Silk Road but claimed he later let others run it.

Ross’s case sparked a lot of debate among libertarians and cryptocurrency supporters, who argued that his punishment was too harsh. They saw him as a victim of government overreach and worked hard to get him released.

In May 2024, former President Donald Trump announced he planned to help Ulbricht. He fulfilled this promise by pardoning Ulbricht on January 21, 2025. Supporters celebrated, feeling that the conviction was unfair and demonstrated government missteps. Trump even commented that those who helped convict Ulbricht were involved in agendas against him too.


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