Kolkata Overtakes Bengaluru as India’s Most Congested City in 2024!

Discover how Kolkata has become India’s most congested city, surpassing Bengaluru, according to the 2024 TomTom Traffic Index. Learn more about traffic trends!

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According to the 2024 TomTom Traffic Index, Kolkata has passed Bengaluru to become the most congested city in India. In fact, Kolkata is now the second slowest city in the world, just behind Barranquilla in Colombia.

On average, drivers in Kolkata travel at a speed of 17.4 km/h, which means it takes them about 34 minutes and 33 seconds to cover 10 kilometers. Bengaluru is not far behind, taking about 34 minutes and 10 seconds for the same distance. Pune comes next, with an average travel time of 33 minutes and 22 seconds for 10 kilometers.

In the global ranking, Barranquilla is the slowest city, where drivers travel at only 10.3 mph, taking around 36 minutes to drive 10 kilometers. Three Indian cities—Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Pune—are among the top five cities globally with the slowest average speeds. London holds the fifth spot on this list.

Other congested cities in India include Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai, with average travel times of 32 minutes, 30 minutes, and 29 minutes, respectively. Ahmedabad and Ernakulam also rank poorly, taking 29 minutes, while Jaipur takes around 28 minutes for 10 kilometers. Surprisingly, New Delhi ranks lower on the list, with an average travel time of just 23 minutes for the same distance.

The TomTom Traffic Index gathers data from over 458 billion miles driven across 500 cities in 62 countries. They look at both static factors, like road design, and dynamic factors, like traffic at peak times and weather, to understand how traffic moves in cities. Ralf-Peter Schäfer, Vice President of Traffic at TomTom, mentioned that outdated roads, poor planning, and increasing city populations have made traffic worse.


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