UPSC EPFO EO/AO Final Results 2024 Released: 418 Selected!

“Check UPSC EPFO EO/AO Final Results 2024! 418 candidates selected for Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer roles. Visit for details.”

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The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the final results for the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation’s (EPFO) Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer positions for 2024.

If you took the write-up test on July 2, 2023, and the interview between November 4 and December 6, 2024, you can now check if you have passed!

The UPSC recommended 418 candidates for the jobs in EPFO, which is part of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

Here’s how to check your results:

1. Go to the official UPSC website: [](
2. Click on the link that says “UPSC EPFO EO/AO Final Result 2024” on the homepage.
3. A new PDF file will open where you can find your results.
4. Download the file and keep a printed copy for your records.

Additionally, the marks of all candidates will be available on the UPSC website after the recruitment is over or within 30 days at the latest. For any more details, visit the official UPSC website.


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