Indian Man Jailed for Racial Abuse at Singapore Café

Indian man jailed for 4 weeks and fined SGD 4,000 for racial abuse and throwing objects at a café cashier in Singapore. Court highlights the need to protect workers.

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A 27-year-old man named Rishi David Ramesh Nandwani from India was sentenced to four weeks in jail and fined SGD 4,000 for behaving badly at a café in Holland Village, Singapore. On October 31, Rishi thought he was in the line to order but was actually at the wrong end. When the cashier told him to go to the back of the line, he got very angry and yelled at her for two minutes, using hurtful words about Chinese people.

Even with children around, he kept being loud and upset. The cashier tried to ignore him by stepping away to let her boss talk to him. But Rishi didn’t stop; he picked up a tip box and threw it at her, hitting her lower back. After that, he went back to his seat for a bit but came back and threw two serving trays, which missed her.

Rishi finally left the café, and about an hour later, the police arrested him after the cashier reported the incident. In court, videos showed how he behaved, with other customers watching in silence. The judge, Janet Wang, said Rishi’s actions were harmful to the public and that the law must protect workers from such behavior.


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