In New York City, a man named Sebastian Zapeta is facing serious charges for allegedly burning a woman to death on a subway train. This shocking incident happened at the Coney Island station on Sunday morning. Police say Zapeta, who is 33 years old and from Guatemala, used a lighter to set the woman’s clothing on fire while she might have been sleeping. After the fire started, he reportedly made the flames worse by fanning them with a shirt, and then just sat and watched as she burned.
The woman did not survive and was declared dead at the scene. Authorities are still trying to figure out who she is by checking fingerprints and using special DNA methods. They’re also looking into her whereabouts before the tragic event.
Zapeta was arrested later that day while he was riding the same subway line and is now being held at Rikers Island, a city jail. His first charges included murder and arson. His case requires a grand jury to indict him formally before it can go to trial, which will happen on January 7.
Zapeta had been deported in 2018 but had returned to the U.S. illegally afterward. This disturbing case raises new worries about safety in the New York City subway system.
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