Loomer’s Irony: Asks for Money on App Made by Indians!”

Laura Loomer stirs controversy by asking for donations through an Indian-created app, highlighting the irony of her anti-India posts. Read more!

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Laura Loomer, a far-right political activist, made a funny mistake when she asked her fans to donate money to her using an app created by Indian brothers. Loomer has been sharing negative posts about Indians for days. On a recent post, a follower offered to send her money and asked for her banking info. Loomer said she couldn’t use popular apps like Venmo or PayPal, but they could send money through “Buy Me a Coffee.”

What Loomer didn’t realize is that Buy Me a Coffee was created by Jijo and Joseph Sunny, two brothers from India. Jijo, who now lives in London, found her mistake hilarious and wrote “Double yikes” when he saw her request. Many people online also laughed at her blunder and suggested that they should ban her from using the app.

Loomer’s request for support came after she criticized Sriram Krishnan, who was appointed as Donald Trump’s AI advisor. She argued that he wants to take American jobs and complained about H1B visas that allow skilled workers from other countries to work in the U.S. Her negative comments about Indians sparked a lot of angry reactions. In one of her posts, she stated, “Our country was built by white Europeans, not invaders from India.”

But now, while focusing on raising money from people, Loomer ironically turned to an app made by the very group she criticized.


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