DLF Ltd.’s shares changed slightly, going up by 1.05 percent to end at Rs 855.00 on Friday. During the day, they reached a high of Rs 869.35 and a low of Rs 854.20.
Looking at some important averages: the 200-day moving average (200-DMA) for DLF shares is at Rs 850.37, and the 50-day moving average (50-DMA) is at Rs 829.38. When a stock trades above both of these averages, it usually shows a positive trend. But if it trades below both, that means it’s not doing well. If it’s in between, it could go either way.
The stock is also performing well according to a tool called the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), which indicates that DLF shares may be on the rise. The MACD helps identify changes in trends for stocks. It calculates the difference between two averages over different time frames and shows potential buy or sell signals through a line called the “signal line.”
Additionally, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for DLF is at 52.89. Typically, if the RSI goes above 70, it suggests the stock is too expensive (overbought), and if it goes below 30, it suggests it may be a good bargain (oversold).
Lastly, DLF’s Return on Equity (RoE) is 6.91 percent, meaning it’s making a profit compared to the money invested by shareholders. The Return on Capital Employed (RoCE), which helps measure how well a company is using its capital, is at 4.56 percent.
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