At the 10th World Ayurveda Congress in Dehradun, experts gathered to talk about Ashwagandha, a popular herb in Ayurveda that helps with many health problems. They believe that the bans and strict rules on Ashwagandha imposed by some Western countries are driven by politics and money. For instance, Denmark has completely banned Ashwagandha, while other countries in Europe and the United States have placed heavy restrictions on it, including forcing companies to warn about alleged serious side effects.
In India, Ashwagandha is made from the root of the plant, but companies in Western nations are using the leaves to create food supplements that claim to boost energy. The experts agreed that Ashwagandha has been safe to use for thousands of years, with plenty of research proving its safety.
Ayurveda practitioners, teachers, and industry professionals at the event emphasized the importance of evidence in traditional medicine. They pointed out that misunderstandings about Ayurveda make it harder for people abroad to accept it. To improve this, they suggested that more clinical trials should be done on new Ayurvedic treatments. The results of these trials should be shared widely in journals and online platforms. Additionally, Ayurveda practitioners should work on better documenting their cases and sharing their experiences on educational websites like Ayurveda Clinical e-Learning (AyurCeL)
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