Bihar BPSC Exam Sparks Protests Over Alleged Question Leak!

Concerns arise over possible question paper leaks in BPSC 70th exam. Protests erupt at one center as officials deny any issues during the exam.

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Today, the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) held its 70th combined competitive exam from 12 PM to 2 PM. Many students on social media claimed that some exam questions were leaked, and there were protests at the Bapu Exam Centre in Patna. BPSC chairman Ravi Manu Bhai S Parmar dismissed these claims as a trick, saying, “We haven’t received any complaints about the exam anywhere.”

At the Bapu centre, students said that the question papers and answer sheets were given to people outside, ruining the fair process of the exam. They also mentioned that there were problems with how the exam was managed and that the papers were given out late. In some places, students even reported that some candidates ran away with the test papers. “The fairness of the exam is very important. If we lose that, what do we have left?” worried students said.

As the situation in Patna got tense, district magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh came to help but ended up getting frustrated and slapped a student. He explained that one exam room was set up for 288 students, but only had 188 questions in the box. They had to get more questions from another room, which took time, and the students complained. Some even left with the exam papers, and police plan to file reports against them.

However, Parmar said he hadn’t received any complaints from the 912 exam centres across the state. He noted that even an hour after the exam, everything seemed fine. “The exam process went smoothly, and the students can’t use their phones during the exam, so they don’t know what is happening outside. It’s all just mischief in the age of social media,” he said.

He added that once the exam started, students only had their papers, with no electronic devices allowed. BPSC has been watching everything closely to ensure everything is alright and stated that if someone tried a trick, it didn’t affect the whole process. “The exams went well,” he concluded.


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