Scientists have finally revealed the face of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the real man behind the modern Santa Claus, using cool technology. This exciting project happened 1,700 years after he died and involved looking closely at his skull to show us what he may have looked like.
Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop famous for his kindness and for giving gifts. He lived during the early days of Christianity. His life inspired the Dutch character Sinterklaas, which eventually led to the English figure of Father Christmas, creating the Santa Claus that many people love today.
Before this, there weren’t any accurate pictures of him. Cicero Moraes, the main researcher, explained that they made a 3D model of his skull using information collected by Luigi Martino back in 1950. The research team carefully shaped the model, using math and science to make sure it looked real, based on how people generally look.
Moraes pointed out that the final image shows a strong and kind face, much like what you read in the popular poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” better known as “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” The reconstructed face has a broad look and a thick beard, similar to how Santa Claus looks today.
Co-author Jos Luis Lira talked about how important Saint Nicholas’s story is. He bravely stood up for what he believed in, even when it meant challenging powerful figures like the Roman Emperor. This amazing discovery not only brings Saint Nicholas to life but also helps us see how stories and legends change over time, turning a real person into a beloved symbol celebrated all around the world.
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